The House Research Organization (HRO) is a nonpartisan administrative department of the House Business Office within the Texas House of Representatives. It provides impartial information on legislation and issues before the Texas Legislature. The HRO is governed by a broadly representative steering committee of 15 House members elected by the House membership to set policy for the organization, approve its budget, and ensure that its reports are objective.
During legislative sessions, the HRO publishes the Daily Floor Report, which includes analyses of all legislation, except local and consent bills, scheduled for floor debate on the daily House calendar. Each bill analysis consists of a digest of the bill's provisions, background, arguments for and against the bill, and additional pertinent information.
Year-round, the House Research Organization produces research reports on a wide range of issues affecting state government. These reports include:
HRO publications are not an official part of the legislative process nor an official expression of the views of the Texas House of Representatives. The information included in the supporting or opposing arguments does not reflect the opinions of HRO or its researchers, but represents information gathered from a broad range of sources.